Epigenetics May Explain the Differences Between Two Identical Twins
Because identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg they have the same genome. Epigenetic mechanisms may explain paradoxical findings in twin and inbred animal studies when phenotypic differences occur in the absence of observable environmental differences and also when environmental differences do not significantly. Epigenetics It S Not All In The Genes Mibelle Biochemistry Environmental factors can alter the way our genes are expressed making even identical twins different. . But the epigenetic changes that can take two identical strands of DNA and turn. 1 So beginning in the early environment of the womb external influences can change the appearance of twins. A MZ twins are genetically identical DZ twins share 50 of their parents genetically as different or as similar as twins b they are age matched and often share similar environments-- provides model to evaluate the genetic and environmental contributions to disease. ...